Summary of synodal session of October 18th by Polish Bishops

Jesus’ life in Nazareth, the “option for the desert,” and modern forms of slavery were the themes of the Synodal session on October 18th.

During today’s synod session, the subject of 40 million modern slaves—people who are subjected to trafficking, forced labor, and sexual abuse—was addressed. “One of the Synod Fathers from the Central African Republic spoke about the situation of the war that is afflicting his country and about the need to accompany Catholics who live in conditions of armed conflict. It was emphasized how important it is to accompany those who convert from all kinds of war crimes,” said Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś.

Another topic taken into consideration during the deliberations was that “preferential options for the desert are needed.” “One of the fathers from Kazakhstan analyzed chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation that tells of the struggle between the woman, who is the Church, and the dragon, which is evil. He stressed that the woman does not fight the dragon herself, but flees to the desert, into the experience of salvation, and the Lord deals with the dragon. Yet, we are opening ourselves to the experience of God’s victory over evil precisely in the desert,” noted Archbishop Ryś.

Many today spoke with reference to Jesus. One of the fathers talked about a true image of Jesus, a man who spent most of his life in a colorless place as a carpenter. His real life—by choice, not by divine retribution—should be looked at. “He said that Jesus’ life was transparent. We often say that it was a hidden life, but it was not hidden. Jesus really lived with his door open. He could say: Come and see! That is why His home in Capernaum was an open house, accessible to everyone. He said that such a life is also necessary today for the pastors of the Church,” recounted Archbishop Ryś.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference
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