The virtual world cannot replace the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, as there are no sacraments on television and on internet – said Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, during a long interview with Marcin Przeciszewski, chairman of the Catholic Information Agency (KAI), entitled: "Building unity in Poland - one of the most urgent tasks!"
"Poland is considered to be one of the most polarized societies of modern Europe, so the work for unity is a particularly important task – archbishop Gądecki said, and added that "enmity and lack of unity in Poland give bad testimony of spirituality and culture - both individual and common. The split between the beautiful words spoken during the festive celebrations and the actions that deny these words testify to our profound moral crisis".
In summary - according to archbishop Gądecki - the cause of the divisions is the discrepancy between material progress and spiritual progress. Spiritual progress simply does not keep pace with material progress, and this gives rise to numerous disagreements and discords. Quoting Pope Francis, Archbishop said that there is another possibility: accept the conflict, resolve it and turn it into a new process. The point is not to ignore the conflict, not to be scandalized by it, but to be willing and able to enter the conflict and make it a starting point for developing a new concept, assuming and implementing cooperation.
When asked about the priority in the life of the Church for 2021, the Archbishop replied that in the first place will be the deepening of faith in Jesus that reaches us through the Eucharist and that everything possible must be done so that the Eucharist is a true encounter with the person of Christ himself. In this regard, - he continued - the approach of the beatification of Card. Stefan Wyszynski and Fr. Jan Macha (killed by beheading by the Gestapo in 1942). These are a source of great hope, as the card. Wyszyński has strengthened in his compatriots the inner freedom, the sense of dignity, faith, national identity, shown how to build a social life. Fr. Macha can be an excellent example not only for young priests who are tempted to betray the priesthood, but for all young people because even in the face of the danger of losing one's life, it is possible and necessary to give witness to the faith.
Secondly, we need to express “our ardent gratitude for the Eucharistic food which has nurtured generations of believers in Christ for two thousand years. We must be grateful for this inexhaustible and huge treasure of God's love. How enormous is the debt contracted by each of us to Christ the Eucharist!"
The pandemic has reminded all of humanity that we are mortal and how little we can plan and decide about our future without faith in Christ. But the man without faith cannot answer the call of Christ. The alternative to faith is fatalism and a sense of meaninglessness.
“Hate can only be cured with love. […] Also with regard to political relations, where differences of opinion lead more easily to controversies and passions, keep calm, restraint and composure " (Card. Wyszynski). Today this attitude seems to be even more necessary than then - said the archbishop.
“The power of evil comes from rejecting the love of God. To enter the path of redemption, we must learn to love God again”- the Prelate replied to the question on the problem of sexual scandals in the Church.
The interview ended with the question of what is most dear to the archbishop Gądecki and what pains him most.
“The biggest sadness is that the Poles are so mortally divided. The greatest joy is the presence of so many compatriots in the charitable works of the Church in Poland, people who work in silence for the most needy”- declared the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference.
Office for Foreign Communication of the Polish Bishops’ Conference