President of the Polish Bishops' Conference extends condolences on the death of Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II was a symbol of the unity of the United Kingdom and a symbol of those values on which Europe was founded. Her love for the nation, love for family, dedication, sense of duty, prudence, wisdom, experience, and spirit of service can stand as a model not only for representatives of the modern political class but for each of us,” wrote the President of the Polish Bishops' Conference Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki in his condolences on the death of Elizabeth II, which were conveyed to Cardinal Vincent Gerard Nichols, President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.

We publish the full text of the condolences:

Warsaw, 8 September 2022
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Most Reverend Cardinal,

It was with great sorrow that I received the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. On behalf of the Polish Bishops' Conference, I would like to express my sympathy to all those who have been saddened by her passing.

I entrust the deceased Queen to the good God, asking for mercy. I assure the entire British nation of the spiritual closeness and prayers of the faithful and pastors of the Church in Poland.

Queen Elizabeth II was a symbol of the unity of the United Kingdom and a symbol of those values on which Europe was founded. Her love for the nation, love for family, dedication, sense of duty, prudence, wisdom, experience, and spirit of service can stand as a model not only for representatives of the modern political class but for each of us.

With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, an era in the history of Europe and of the United Kingdom comes to an end. I trust that her successor King Charles III will be open to the work of the Holy Spirit, continuing to lead the monarchy towards truth and prosperity.

With best regards, I send fraternal greetings in Christ,

+ Stanislaw Gądecki
Archbishop Metropolitan of Poznań
President of the Polish Bishops' Conference


His Eminence
Cardinal Vincent Gerard NICHOLS
Archbishop of Westminster
President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales

Translated by Sr. Amata J. Nowaszewska CSFN/ the Office for Foreign Communication of the PolishBishops’ Conference

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