Christmas greetings of the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

I wish everyone to experience this Divine Love that flows from the manger in Bethlehem and to share it with our loved ones, with our neighbours, and with all those we meet on our way – said the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference in his Christmas greetings.

We publish the whole text of the greetings:

On this holy Christmas Night, I wish us to experience the coming of God in man, who is Love itself. He did not want us to worship Him as a distant and unknown God but became one of us so that we could know Him and reciprocate His love.

I wish everyone to experience this Divine Love that flows from the manger in Bethlehem and to share it with our loved ones, with our neighbours, and with all those, we meet on our way. Have a blessed Christmas!

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference


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