Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC was elected the new President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

On 14 March this year, on the second day of the 397th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC, Metropolitan of Gdańsk, was elected President of the Polish Bishops' Conference for a term of five years.

In the Polish Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Wojda acts as a member of the Commission for the Missions.

The President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference represents the Conference externally. He is an ex officio member of the Permanent Council of the PBC. Together with the Vice-President and the Secretary-General, they form the Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference. The President convenes the meeting of the Permanent Council, the Plenary Assembly, and the Council of Diocesan Bishops, during which he presides. He also sends reports and documents of the deliberations to the Holy See through the Apostolic Nunciature.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

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