Mons. Wojciech Osial has been appointed Bishop of Łowicz

The Holy Father Francis has appointed Bishop Wojciech Tomasz Osial, up till now auxiliary bishop and apostolic administrator sede vacante of the diocese of Łowicz, as Bishop of Łowicz. The Pope's decision was announced today at noon by the Apostolic Nunciature in Poland.

The new Bishop of Łowicz is 53 years old and holds a doctorate in educational sciences. He has been Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Łowicz for more than eight years. He has also been apostolic administrator sede vacante since 9 March this year. At the Polish Bishops' Conference, he is president of the Commission for Catholic Education and of the Working Group for contacts with the Government of Poland on religious education in schools. He is also a member of the Commission for Pastoral Care and the Youth Pastoral Council. His episcopal motto is "Dominus Cor Intuetur" (the Lord looks into the heart).

Press Office of the Polish Bishops' Conference

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