We represented various media, and in diversity we sought what is most important, that is, the voice of the Gospel, which can be a keystone for various political, social and economic trends – said the Spokesman of the Polish Bishops' Conference, Fr Leszek Gęsiak SJ, who was in Rome with a group of Polish journalists to celebrate the Jubilee of the World of Communications.
“The last few days in Rome have been a special time for media people” – said the Spokesman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Fr Leszek Gęsiak SJ. “From all over the world, journalists, reporters, cameramen, all those who make radio, television, Internet portals and social media came to pray together and ask God for graces related to the Jubilee Year 2025” – he pointed out. Among them was a group of Polish journalists who spent three days preparing for the celebrations organised by the Holy See.
The Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate acknowledged that the Polish journalists had the opportunity to pass through the Holy Door of all the Papal Basilicas: St Peter's, St John Lateran, Our Saint Mary Major and St Paul Outside the Walls. “This passage through the Holy Door is a very symbolic but extremely important sign of repentance and openness to God's merciful grace” – he assessed.
Fr Gęsiak pointed out that Jubilee meetings are organised under the sign of hope. “We are pilgrims of hope, so this passage opened us up so that when we are working in the media, creating information, as well as journalism in the broadest sense, we should first of all convey hope to people, and not only all those things that can be difficult, which in a sense are the anti-hope of today's world” – the Spokesman pointed out.
Fr Gęsiak noted that the meeting between journalists and the Holy Father also took place in this spirit. “The speech itself may have been short, but it alluded to the value of communication conveyed as what should unite people rather than divide them. The Holy Father's blessing, which he granted to journalists and media people, gave a special dimension precisely because all those who received it will now take it to their editorial offices, to their workplaces, to all those who will listen to, watch or read the fruits of their work” – he assessed.
The Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate noted that for Polish journalists, being in Rome for the Jubilee celebrations was also a chance to exchange experiences. “We represented different media, and in the diversity we sought what is most important, namely the voice of the Gospel, which can be a keystone for different political, social and economic trends” – he said. “We know how much our country is divided. I think that events like the Jubilee of the World of Communications, both in the part intended for Polish-speaking journalists and the Vatican celebrations, were an excellent chance to look for what unites us through hope and what will allow us to better build the journalistic and media future of the country” – emphasized the Spokesman of the Polish Bishops' Conference.
Dozens of Polish journalists took part in the Jubilee of the World of Communications, which was held in Rome from 24-26 January this year as part of the Holy Year 2025. The Vatican programme of the Jubilee of the World of Communications was preceded by a Polish celebration organised by the Press Office of the Polish Bishops' Conference.
As part of the Polish media Jubilee celebrations, the journalists had the opportunity to visit the Vatican Radio Museum, the Polish Section of Vatican News, and meet with the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Holy See, Adam Kwiatkowski.
At the end of the Jubilee of the World of Communications, journalists took part in the Eucharistic celebration of Sunday of the Word of God, presided over by the Holy Father Francis.
From 27 to 29 January, the Pontifical Urbaniana University is hosting the Conference of Presidents of Episcopal Commissions for Communication and National Directors for Communication. Polish Bishops’ Conference is represented by its Spokesman Fr Leszek Gęsiak SJ.
Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference