President of the Polish Episcopate: I appeal to all believers to support the Pope with their prayers and suffering

I appeal once again to all believers and those for whom the Pope has always been a moral authority to support the Pope with their prayers, their suffering and in other ways, asking for health for him – encouraged the President of the Polish Bishops' Conference Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC in a video message.

The President of the Polish Episcopate admitted that the information coming to us from the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, where Pope Francis is currently undergoing treatment for pneumonia, is quite worrying. “Therefore, it is all the more necessary for all of us to join in this great crusade of prayer for the our spiritual guide, who is the Holy Father, the Peter of our times” – he stressed.

“I make a very heartfelt appeal once again to all believers and those for whom the Pope has always been a moral authority, to support the Pope with their prayers, with their suffering or in other ways, asking for health for him” – Archbishop Wojda encouraged.

The President of the Polish Episcopate pointed out that the Pope had been an important guide for us in recent years. “He pointed the way forward so that the Church would revitalise herself, so that the Church would become the Church of our time” – he assessed. “Therefore, as gratitude for all that he has left us, let us support him with our prayers and ask for health for him” – he appealed.

Archbishop Wojda also recalled that as part of this great prayer flowing for the Pope, “from today onwards, for the next few days, the faithful will gather in St Peter's Square together with Cardinal Pietro Parolin and other Church hierarchs to pray the Rosary for the Pope and to ask the Good God for health for him”.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference



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