12-14 March: 400th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference in Warsaw (announcement)

The Jubilee Year 2025, a report on the visit of the Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference to the Vatican, the state of formation of the clergy in the seminaries, the functioning of the media entities of the Polish Bishops‘ Conference and the legal status of the religious education in public schools – these are some of the topics of the 400th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops’ Conference to be held in Warsaw on 12-14 March this year.


Bishop Marek Marczak, Secretary General of the Polish Bishops' Conference, noted that the theme of the Jubilee Year 2025, “Pilgrims of Hope”, will be the motto of the spring Plenary Assembly of the Polish Episcopate. "We will be reflecting on how we bishops can be pilgrims of hope together with the people of God, and what it means to be a pilgrim of hope in today's world" – he underlined.

The Secretary General indicated that the place of the Holy Mass at the end of the first day of the meeting, on 12 March, was also chosen in connection with the Jubilee Year. The bishops will celebrate the Eucharist in the Archcathedral of Warsaw, where the Jubilee Cross of the archdiocese, i.e. the Miraculous Crucifix from the Baryczka Chapel, is located. "This year marks the 500th anniversary of the cross being brought to Warsaw. From the very beginning it has been associated with the Archcathedral of St John the Baptist" – explained Bishop Marczak. He added that "it is worthwhile in this Jubilee Year to visit the Archcathedral and invoke graces at the statue of Jesus Christ, who has been present in the Baryczka Chapel for 500 years". The Eucharist will be presided over by Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC, President of the Polish Bishops' Conference, and the homily will be given by Bishop Romuald Kamiński.

Bishop Marczak noted that the bishops will also hear an account of the first visit of the new Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference to the Vatican, which took place from 16 to 20 December 2024. "The bishops were received in audience by the Holy Father Francis and also visited some Vatican dicasteries. It was a fruitful visit aimed at strengthening the ties between the Polish Bishops‘ Conference and the Holy See" – he acknowledged.

The Secretary General informed that during the Plenary Assembly, the bishops will get acquainted with the current state of formation in seminaries and the proposed directions for change. Current issues concerning the pastoral care of vocations will also be presented.

Another issue that the bishops will deal with during the Plenary Assembly, Bishop Marczak noted, will be the functioning of the media entities of the Polish Bishops' Conference, as well as the presence of the Church in the media space. "The bishops will familiarise themselves with the current challenges and problems that the Church-related media have to face at the present time, as well as reflect on the mission that the media entities associated with the Polish Bishops‘ Conference have to fulfil" – he underlined.

The Secretary General informed that the President of the Commission of the Polish Bishops' Conference for Catholic Education, Bishop Wojciech Osial, will present the legal status of the teaching of religion in public schools in connection with the new decree of the Minister of Education.

On the second day of the Assembly, 13 March, the bishops will celebrate Mass at the Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw, on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the election of Pope Francis to the See of Peter. The Eucharist will be presided over by Metropolitan of Warsaw Archbishop Adrian Galbas SAC, who will also deliver the homily. "I encourage everyone on this day to pray especially for the Holy Father, so that God may preserve him for the Church and through him lead Peter's boat along a sure path to salvation. Let us support Pope Francis in his illness with our prayers and with the sacrifices and sufferings offered for him during Lent" – Bishop Marczak encouraged.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops' Conference



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