Bishops gathered at the 400th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Episcopate sent a congratulation letter to the Holy Father on the 12th anniversary of his election to the See of Peter

We are sure that, as Father, you offer your suffering for us, the sons and daughters of the Church. We assure you of our closeness and the gift of our prayers – wrote Polish bishops gathered at the 400th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops’ Conference in a congratulation letter sent to the Holy Father on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of his election to the See of Peter.

dodane 13.03.2025 11:47

We publish the full text of the letter:


Warsaw, 13 March 2025


Most Holy Father,

twelve years ago the Church received the news that she has a father again. The Holy Spirit chose you to be the Successor of Peter. All this time, following in the footsteps of St Francis of Assisi, you have taught us how to love God and people, especially those most in need. On the evening of your election, bowing before the faithful of the city and the world gathered in St Peter's Square, you asked them to pray. Today too, Holy Father, bearing with Christ the cross of suffering, you need our prayers. We are sure that, as Father, you offer your suffering for us, the sons and daughters of the Church. We assure you of our closeness and the gift of our prayers.

As we celebrate the 12th anniversary of your election to the See of Peter, please accept these words and our best wishes for all graces to continue our pilgrimage together towards the hope that is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Signed by: the Bishops gathered at the 400th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference


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