Over 32,000 consecrated persons serve in Poland and abroad

“This year, we celebrate the 23rd World Day for Consecrated Life established by Pope John Paul II as a day of gratitude for the presence of consecrated persons in the Church and in the world. This year’s theme concerns young people and their vocation, as well as the commitment of consecrated people to the ministry of youth - said Bishop Jacek Kicinski CMF, chairman of the Committee for the Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life of the Polish Bishops’ Conference.

Informacje KEP

dodane 02.02.2019 05:00

“Consecrated persons fulfill their vocation above all in everyday life. They are rooted in this earth, but their heart is in heaven - as Pope Francis said. Today, over 30,000 consecrated persons work in Poland, it is a huge force. Various orders reflect the different stages of Jesus’ life. At present, young people are a particular challenge for consecrated persons. Many young people today are lost and need guides of faith” - said Bishop Kicinski CMF.

18,807 nuns and 11,613 monks serve in such areas of ecclesiastical and social life in Poland and abroad as educational work, various forms of caring for youth, catechization and other forms of evangelization, spiritual and material help.

The male orders with the largest number of members are the Franciscans (1273), the Salesians (1043) and the Conventual Franciscans (931). The number of nuns in Poland is 18,807 in total, of which 1254 are nuns living in contemplative monasteries. There are also 34 secular institutes in Poland, which associate over 1,250 people. In addition, there are 292 consecrated virgins and 329 consecrated widows in Poland.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

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