President of the Episcopate: Easter is the most important truth of Christianity

On behalf of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, I would like to extend my best wishes to all Poles in the country and abroad - said Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference.

Informacje KEP

dodane 20.04.2019 04:00

The President of the Episcopate stressed in his wishes that “Easter is the most important truth of Christianity”. “The one who accepts the resurrection is a Christian and is a part of Christianity. The very fact of resurrection is something that assures us that Christ not only was, but that Christ is, that Christ is still among us. This consciousness is consoling, joyful, and full of gratitude that allows us to look at this world with transfigured eyes, to transform this world into a better one, and to build our hope for a life that transcends this temporal life” - Archbishop Gadecki emphasized.

“Therefore, because of the resurrection of Christ, I would like that in every family, in our community, in the surroundings, Christ, who rose from the dead, reign and show that the cross, suffering, illness and death is not the last word of Christianity, but that the last word is the resurrection. It is something that raises in our eyes the value of this Easter and makes us look at it with gratitude” - noted the President of the Bishops’ Conference.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

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