May 28 - first liturgical memorial of the Blessed Primate of the Millennium

The first liturgical commemoration after the beatification is so important because we somehow introduce the cult of the new Blessed and invite people to get to know him and pray through his intercession - Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Warsaw, stresses. On Saturday, May 28, at 7 p.m. a Mass will be celebrated at the Warsaw Archcathedral under the Cardinal’s presidency. “We will pray for the canonization of Primate Wyszynski”, says Cardinal Nycz. On the same day in the morning, thirteen deacons of the Warsaw Archdiocese will be ordained to the priesthood in the Shrine of the Divine Providence.

Informacje KEP

dodane 28.05.2022 10:53

The first liturgical memorial of Blessed Stefan Wyszyński will also be celebrated specially at Jasna Góra. The relics of the Primate of the Millennium will be introduced into the Chapel of Our Lady. As the Pauline Fathers inform, a new reliquary containing elements of his blood has been under preparation for several months. It will be placed near the Miraculous Picture of Our Lady, next to the text of the Millennium Act, of which Cardinal Wyszynski was the initiator. At 2.30 p.m. a solemn Holy Mass will be celebrated at the peak of Jasna Gora, which will be presided over by the Superior General of the Pauline Fathers Fr Arnold Chrapkowski.

The liturgical memorial will be preceded by a night prayer –“We keep vigil with the Blessed Primate at our Mother's home”, which is traditionally undertaken on the 27th and 28th day of the month. It will be led by representatives of the Primate Wyszynski Institute. The day will end with an oratorio concert in the Jasna Góra Basilica.

The liturgical memorial of Blessed Cardinal Wyszynski falls on the anniversary of his death. This date, May the 28th, has been marked, among others, by a nationwide pilgrimage of the Catholic Association Civitas Christiana, held for over 40 years. The organization officially adopted the Primate of the Millennium as its patron in 2013.

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński was beatified, together with his mother ElżbietaRóżaCzacka in the Shrine of Divine Providence in Warsaw on September the 12th, 2021. On behalf of Pope Francis, the solemn Mass was presided over by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints. BPJG/ BP KEP

Translated by Sr. Amata J. Nowaszewska/ Office for Foreign Communication of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

We present photos from the beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and Mother ElżbietaRóżaCzacka ( September 12st, 2021):

Beatyfikacja kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego i matki Elżbiety Czackiej - Warszawa, 12 IX 2021 r.


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