18-19 November: 399th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference at Jasna Góra (announcement)

The summary of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will be the main theme of the 399th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference, to be held at Jasna Góra on 18-19 November this year.

dodane 12.11.2024 19:43


Bishop Marek Marczak, Secretary General of the Polish Bishops‘ Conference, noted that a summary of the second Roman session of the Synod on synodality and the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops held from 2021 to 2024 in its entirety will be the leading theme of the 399th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops’ Conference. "The delegates of the Polish Episcopate to the Synod will report to the bishops on the second synodal session, discussing the most important issues that emerged during the synodal assembly held from 2 to 27 October this year in Rome. The bishops will also discuss the Synod's final document" - Bishop Marczak stressed.

Another issue that the bishops will take up during their deliberations will be a summary of the collection that Caritas Poland carried out in parishes for flood victims. "As a result of the cash collections carried out in Polish parishes on Sunday 22 September this year and individual donations, Caritas Polska collected PLN 75 million to help flood victims. These funds are being used in a long-term programme to help flood victims. Such great solidarity of Poles with those affected inspires great respect and confidence that support can be counted on in our Nation in the face of disasters and misfortunes" - Bishop Marczak acknowledged.

The Secretary General of the Polish Episcopate noted that the bishops will also discuss the working methodology of the Plenary Assemblies. "The current Plenary Assembly is already the second one during which the bishops will work in working groups. This method is aimed at a deeper analysis of current issues and challenges facing the Church in Poland" - he noted. He added that the bishops will also undertake a reflection on the document Praedicate Evangelium, which, together with the reform of the Roman Curia, brings new solutions to the Holy See's relations with the Bishops' Conferences.

Bishop Marczak said that immediately after the meeting, the bishops will meet with representatives of those abused in the Church. This will be a closed meeting.

After the meeting, on the evening of 19 November, the bishops will begin their annual retreat at the Jasna Góra Sanctuary. The retreat teachings will be given by Fr Prof. Jarosław Kupczak OP. The retreat will last until 22 November.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops' Conference



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