The Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate: May Christian hope guide us during this Advent

May Christian hope, which never fails because its source is Emmanuel, God with us, guide us during this Advent and then throughout the Jubilee Year 2025 – said the Spokesman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Fr Leszek Gęsiak SJ on the occasion of Advent.

dodane 01.12.2024 07:01

The Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate said Advent is the opportunity God gives us to look at our lives from a broader perspective, not only the earthly, temporary one, but above all the eschatological one.

“During Advent we await the coming of the Saviour who brings us hope beyond our temporal expectations. That hope is Himself and life with Him forever. This time of waiting for Christmas, therefore, reminds us that our whole life is Advent, that is, waiting to meet the Saviour face to face” – underlined Fr Gęsiak.

The Spokesman recalled that this year Christmas will coincide with the inauguration of the Jubilee Year. “On Christmas Eve, the Pope will open the Holy Door in the Vatican Basilica, beginning the Year of Grace for the whole Church and her faithful. We will live the Holy Year under the sign of hope” – he stressed.

“May Christian hope, therefore, which never fails because its source is Emmanuel, God with us, guide us during this Advent and then throughout the Jubilee Year 2025” – said Fr Gęsiak.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

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