Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate: Let us walk with hope through this year, enriched by the graces of the Jubilee

Let us walk with hope through this year, enriched in spirit by the graces of the Jubilee – said the Spokesman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Fr Leszek Gęsiak SJ in his New Year wishes.

dodane 31.12.2024 08:00



We publish the full text of the wishes:

We begin the new year 2025 with great confidence and hope, for it is a special Year - the Jubilee Year. We will live it under the motto “Pilgrims of Hope”, which is meant to remind us that we are not permanent residents of this earth, but pilgrims on the way to our true Home. And we are led by hope! Not the hope offered to us by the modern world – illusory and fleeting – but the Christian hope that has already been fulfilled in Christ.

Let us therefore walk with hope through this year, enriched in spirit by the graces of the Jubilee. Let us strengthen our brothers and sisters on this journey, showing them the beauty of being pilgrims empowered by a Christian hope that does not disappoint.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

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