Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate on key Church events in 2024

The second plenary session of the Synod on Synodality, the new Presidium of the Polish Bishops‘ Conference, the Year of Prayer in preparation for the Jubilee 2025, the response of the Church side to the actions of the Ministry of National Education concerning the change in the organisation of religious education at school – these are the main Church events of the year 2024, which is summarised by the Spokesman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Fr Leszek Gęsiak SJ.

dodane 28.12.2024 14:19


The Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate noted that two events focused the attention of the faithful in the universal Church: the second Roman session of the Synod on Synodality and the preparations for the Jubilee Year 2025.

Fr Gęsiak recalled that in October this year the second Roman session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops took place on the theme “Towards a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission”. “At the end of the deliberations, a final document was published and not, as before, a post-synodal apostolic exhortation” – he pointed out.

The Spokesman of the Polish Bishops' Conference noted that the passing year has been declared by Pope Francis as the Year of Prayer in preparation for the Jubilee 2025.

Fr Gęsiak acknowledged that there have been changes in the Church in Poland at the highest levels of the Polish Bishops' Conference. “In March, the term of Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki as President of the Polish Episcopate and Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski as his deputy came to an end. They were replaced by Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC, Metropolitan of Gdańsk, as President and Archbishop Józef Kupny, Metropolitan of Wrocław, as his deputy, during the 397th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference, which met in Warsaw on 13-14 March. In June, Bishop Artur Mizinski's term as Secretary General of the Polish Episcopate ended. He was replaced by Bishop Marek Marczak, Auxiliary Bishop of Łódź, elected at the 398th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops’ Conference in Warsaw on 10 June” – he recalled.

Fr Gęsiak pointed out that among other events that marked the life of the Church in Poland in 2024 were the continuation of the peregrination of the relics of the Blessed Ulma Family through Polish dioceses and the commemoration of the Blessed Ulma Family, celebrated for the first time on 7 July, the day when Wiktoria and Józef were married. He added that the year 2024 was – by the decision of the Sejm – not only the Year of the Ulma Family, but also the Year of Archbishop Antoni Baraniak, the Metropolitan of Poznań and an indomitable bishop of the communist period. On 1 January we celebrated the 120th anniversary of his birth.

The Spokesman recalled that this year also marked the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Blessed Fr Jerzy Popiełuszko.

Fr Gęsiak acknowledged that in the past year the Ministry of National Education has taken action on changes to the organisation of religious education at school. “The Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference sent a petition to the First President of the Supreme Court requesting that the Constitutional Tribunal examine the legal status of the Ordinance of the Minister of National Education of 26 July this year amending the regulations on the organisation of religious education at school. The Constitutional Court granted the First President of the Supreme Court's request and issued a ruling to suspend the application of the Ministry of Education's regulation. The Ministry of Education declared that the Constitutional Court's ruling has no legal force and ordered the application of the regulation, according to which classes in religion classes are combined and the grade from religious education is not included in the average grade. The government's actions in this regard have provoked strong protests not only from the Church hierarchy, but also from catechists and parents. The Joint Committee of Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Bishops' Conference appointed a Subcommittee on Religion at School, which, however, did not reach an agreement on this issue. No agreement was also reached during the last meeting of the Joint Commission of the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Bishops' Conference, held on 9 December this year” – Fr Gęsiak commented.

The Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate also reminded that important provisions of the so-called Act of Kamilek came into force on 15 August. “The standards for the protection of children and adolescents to which this law obliges are already being implemented in the Catholic Church in Poland” – he explained.

Fr Gęsiak recalled that in September, southern Poland was hit by the worst flooding in the 21st century. “Caritas Poland immediately rushed to the aid of the flood victims, which, together with diocesan Caritas, started collecting money to help those affected and to deliver drinking water, food and hygiene products to the flooded areas. The flood victims were helped by hundreds of Caritas volunteers” – he stressed. He added that the nationwide collection on Sunday 22 September was called for by Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC, President of the Polish Bishops' Conference. “Many diocesan bishops joined the appeal of the President of the Polish Episcopate. The money collected, amounting to PLN 75 million, is being transferred to the victims through Caritas Poland as part of long-term aid” – Fr Gęsiak assessed.

Among the landmark events of 2024, the Spokesman of the Polish Episcopate counted the meeting of bishops with representatives of abused persons in the Church, which took place on 19 November, at Jasna Góra, after the end of the 399th Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

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