President of the Polish Episcopate for the 6th Sunday of the Word of God: God's Word helps us to revive hope

May the Jubilee be for everyone an occasion to revive hope. The Word of God helps us to find reasons for this – noted the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC on the occasion of the 6th Sunday of the Word of God, which will be celebrated on 26 January this year.

dodane 21.01.2025 14:42

The President of the Polish Episcopate recalled that Pope Francis urges us in his apostolic letter Aperuit illis to make this very Sunday, during the liturgy, the solemn bringing of the Holy Scriptures, to highlight the proclamation of the Word of God and to prepare homilies in such a way as to emphasise the reverence that the Church gives to the Word of God.

“Above all, however, the Holy Father Francis points to the close connection between the Bible and faith, the Eucharist and the sacraments. This goes hand in hand with the motto of the Jubilee Year, which we have recently begun. May the Jubilee be an opportunity for everyone to revive hope. The Word of God helps us to find reasons for this” – Archbishop Wojda pointed out.

Press Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference

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