Communiqué of the Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference concerning changes introduced by the Ministry of National Education in the organization of religious education in public schools on 17 January 2025

We expect the Ministry of National Education to return to the application of the standards of the rule of law and to refrain from taking confrontational actions against believers who are rightful citizens of the Republic of Poland – reads the Communiqué of the Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference concerning changes introduced by the Ministry of National Education in the organization of religious education in public schools on 17 January 2025.

dodane 21.01.2025 16:33

We publish the full text of the Communiqué:


Communiqué of the Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference
concerning changes introduced by the Ministry of National Education
in the organization of religious education in public schools
on 17 January 2025



In connection with the publication by the Minister of Education Barbara Nowacka of information on the signing of another ordinance on the organisation of religious education in schools and kindergartens on 17 January 2025, the Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference expresses firm opposition to the violation of the principle according to which “public authorities act on the basis and within the limits of the law” (Article 7 of the Polish Constitution). The ordinance, which is to come into force on 1 September 2025, is an unlawful act, as no agreement on its content, as required by law, has been reached with the Catholic Church and other religious associations concerned.

The reduction of religious education to one hour per week and the obligation to organise religious instruction before or after compulsory education classes restricts the right of believing parents to raise their children in accordance with their own beliefs (Article 53(3) in conjunction with Article 48(1) of the Polish Constitution) and the right of pupils themselves to systemic support “in their development towards full maturity”, including the spiritual sphere (Article 1(3) of the Education Law). The changes introduced also strike at the constitutionally guaranteed, labour rights of teachers of religious education.

We would like to remind that the Church side has put forward a compromise proposal consisting in the reduction of the dimension of religious education in secondary schools while introducing the principle of obligatory teaching of religion or ethics due to the need for axiological formation of pupils, but on the condition that this operation is spread over several years and with respect for the labour rights of teachers of religious education.

We expect the Ministry of National Education to return to the application of the standards of the rule of law and to refrain from taking confrontational actions against believers who are rightful citizens of the Republic of Poland.

Presidium of the Polish Bishops' Conference

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