Pope Francis: creation focus of Feb prayer intention video

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis is asking people around the world to pray during the month of February for an increase of attention to and care for our common home. The Holy Father is making the request through his new video initiative in cooperation with the Jesuit-operated Apostleship of Prayer. Below, please fin the full text of the Holy Father's Message, which you can view at thepopevideo.org/.


Believers and unbelievers agree that the earth is our common heritage, the fruits of which should benefit everyone.

However, what is happening in the world we live in?

The relationship between poverty and the fragility of the planet requires another way of managing the economy and measuring progress, conceiving a new way of living.

Because we need a change that unites us all.

Free from the slavery of consumerism.

This month I make a special request:

That we may take good care of creation–a gift freely given–cultivating and protecting it for future generations.

Caring for our common home.

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