Exhibition of Vatican artifacts opens in Taiwan

The world's largest exhibition to be held outside the Vatican of liturgical artifacts used by popes was launched Feb. 4 at the National Palace Museum in Taipei City, Taiwan.

"Treasures from Heaven: A Special Exhibition of Artifacts from the Holy See" comprises 60 sets of objects illustrating the artistic values and cultural content of the church and its development in the Chinese-speaking world. It underscores 73 years of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the Vatican, and highlights the deepening of bilateral relations and exchanges between the two sides.

Archbishop Piero Marini, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, attended the opening ceremony telling the group, that the exhibition will promote friendship and understanding between the two sides.

The exhibitions runs till May 2.  The six categories  such as,  The Altar, Catholicism Spreads East, The Holy See, The Liturgical Year, The Pope and History, and The Sacraments  were chosen to offer a deeper understanding of the history of the Catholic Church, as well as the background and purpose of artifacts used in the Holy Eucharist.

The exhibition represents the ongoing engagement among different cultures, and  is hoped that the two sides will continue enjoying prosperity and friendship going forward. (UCAN)  


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