Pope appeals for political solution to conflict in Syria

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday made another urgent appeal for peace in Syria, calling on the international community to spare no effort to bring all the parties in conflict to the negotiating table.

Speaking to the crowds gathered in St Peter’s Square for his Angelus address, the Pope said he is following with great concern the “dramatic fate of the civilian population” caught up the fighting and “forced to abandon everything as they flee from the horrors of war”.

He appealed for “generous solidarity” in order to provide for the needs of these refugees and guarantee them a dignified standard of living. At the same time he called on the international community to work urgently for a negotiated solution to the conflict, saying only a political solution can guarantee “a future of reconciliation and peace for that dear and devastated nation”.

Pope Francis asked the crowds to pray fervently for peace in Syria, inviting them to join him in reciting the Ave Maria.

Watch the Pope's appeal for an end to the Syria conflict:


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