CCEE in Poznań - Information for the media

Biuro Prasowe KEP

dodane 10.09.2018 09:49

1. Full programme and list of participants. The full programme and list of participants will be available shortly before the event on the CCEE website ( It is advisable to regularly check the calendar section of the CCEE website.

2. Meeting venue and access. The meeting will take place on 14-15 September at the Poznań Metropolitan Curia (ul. Ostrów Tumski 2) and will be behind closed doors. The opening session on 13 September (from 16.00) will take place at the Bazar Poznański (Aleje Marcinkowskiego 10) and is open to accredited journalists, as are the public celebrations as indicated in the programme for the media (see below).

3. Access to the Media Office and accreditation. Access to the Media Office in the Poznań Metropolitan Curia (ul. Ostrów Tumski 3), to the opening session in the Bazar Poznański and to the Masses (if there is a desire to take photographs or filming) is reserved solely for accredited journalists who on arrival will receive a badge guaranteeing access.

For international journalists, accreditation can be requested through the CCEE Media Office (

For Poznań’s local journalists, accreditation can be requested directly via the Media Office of the Archdiocese of Poznań ( by 12.00 on 11 September

For journalists from elsewhere in Poland, accreditation can be requested directly from the Media Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference ( no later than 1200 on 11 September.

For the concluding News Conference on 17 September 2018 at 1230 in Warsaw at the offices of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, accreditation can be requested directly from the Media Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference (bprasowe@episkopat.plno later than 12.00 on 14 September.

4. Photography and filming

Filming and photography in the meeting room and the Churches during the liturgies can be undertaken subject to agreements with the Media Office of the Polish Bishops’ Conference ( or that of the Archdiocese of Poznań (, by seeking accreditation (see above)

5. Material available to journalists. In due course accredited journalists will be sent available documentation under embargo.

Photographs. High resolution photographs of the meeting will be made available free of charge for commercial use or otherwise. Use is allowed subject to appropriate credits being made: - © - © Archidiecezja Poznańska


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